Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I Like Your Smile

We all long happiness, whether we long it for ourselves or for loved ones. We all pray for happiness , pray for a solution to our problems and when we overcome the problem we all undoubtedly feel happy even if it’s the faintest sensation in the deepest corner of our heart, we will be happy. There is a sign of happiness which we all learn even without acknowledging the fact of learning it, there is a simple majestic beauty in this sign which when shown by any life form conveys a  warm gesture. This sign we call a smile. Its conveys acceptance and happiness, doesn't even take much to achieve, it is the first thing you did when the first time you felt the sensation of being happy. They are mutual such that happiness would bring a smile and smile would bring happiness.
You may disagree that smiling can bring happiness by pointing out countless cruel situations when you might be alone and disheartened, sadly possibly crying and say there is no point smiling, that it won't get them the happiness they long. But my character of being a realist which is sprinkled with layers of optimism says that in such dire situations smiling won't bring happiness but it will surely calm the feeling of your heart falling unendingly and change your perspective. Its not easy but if just simply remembered to smile  you choose to overlook the dull side of any situation and you accept the present. A smile at those times is your personal helping hand, shoulder and a sign of courage from the aching heart. Its as beautiful as phoenix rising from fire. Such smile now days are indeed rare. People have an ideology of smiling because they are happy and not smiling to bring and spread happiness. Its so heartwarming to see a person smile as the interaction, however lengthy, comes to a conclusion. After you meet someone maybe completely new, if they leave with a smile note that you made a difference, you made the difference of making that interaction a kind one and not a one where two people meet with blank expressions, ideally achieve the aim of meet and then leave as emotionless as their meet or even make it worse by being rude. You at that point choose to make it a kind, fruitful meet and you achieve this by very small gestures such like offering water to a the mailman on a hot day or saying thank you to the gloomy immigration officer at the airport or simply by smiling and walking through the street someone would surely take a glimpse of your happiness and would choose to be happy rather than bland.

I love to see my parents, my brother and my friends smile no matter what or who the reason is, it’s a cherry on top if contribute to the deed but the real joy is in knowing the people dear to you are happy and then I just smile . I smile when the local vendor gives me change, I smile when a street dog comes close to me, I smile when I see the beauty of nature, I smile when it rains and I especially smile when the  drinking water is the perfect temperature in accordance with the weather. I have a reason for everything I do, I don’t believe when I ask some people why do you like any random thing and they rhetorically reply with why does one like rain. I have a reason for all those smiles and its not because I like the vendor or I'm personally attached to the street dog. I smile because it keeps me happy, it keeps me confident, it keeps me humble. Its an emotion I prioritize. A constant smile doesn't indicate weakness or gullibility rather it indicates how confident, strong and sound mind one has. A blank expression would elicit deep thought and imagine how weird you look when you walk down the street with an emotionless face. There is no harm is smiling and there are proven physiological benefits to smiling.

When I say it is the universal sign of conveying a warm happy feeling I'm including animals as well. Our dog smiles when we play fetch with them, cats smile when they are comforted even the king of the jungle would smile after a good meal or a even a belly rub because that's what makes them happy . There have been sighting of marine animals smiling at each other and even towards us. Its everywhere where happiness is, it changes you for the moment, changes for the better. It won't matter to me who is smiling at me for whatever reason or maybe even smiling at something directly behind me, I would simply just smile, not necessarily back at them but I would surely smile as I consider it better than other emotions. It makes an opportunity to explore some else. All in all I would also like to tell you no matter who you are and whatever you are going through a smile simply makes you look better, look more beautiful and happy than you presently are and I know no one would mind looking better if it only takes 16 miniature muscles. So please keep those cheeks uptight and your teeth visible if we happen to meet by the grace of entropy or karma and ill assure you, you wont be alone with that expression. I hope this brought a smile to your face :)

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