Saturday, July 26, 2014

Being Curious

We all in our own way are curious. Curiosity is a state of mind when you keep mentally looping question about a situation or concept which your mind craves to comprehend. It’s a good thing to be curious, its got us this far hasn't it. Being curious is a feeling we share even with our prehistoric ancestors. Its is a feeling we share with other animals as well and the people who have seen '2001 a space odyssey' ( if not then I urge you to ) would understand how similar is the behavior of man and ape when presented the same dilemma. Survival of the fittest prevailed in favor of homo sapiens not because the Neanderthals/Apes sat in a dingy corner of some cave, its because they not only explored but mastered a world full of curiosities.
There is an ultimate reason as to why homo sapiens is the only species that are commonly found in all continents, in fact we have even marked our presence outside these lands, in the oceans as well as on other planets too. It is the same reason which allows us to call ourselves as an intelligent species which is that we are curious. Everything humans have ever done is to fulfill their curiosity, the reward of that is being the masters of Earth. Its funny because now a days I see majority of the so called "masters of Earth, the most intelligent life form to our knowledge" tiring of the endless curiosity and choosing to blandly struggle to live. Sure there are over millions who still pursue wisdom and happiness, but compared to 7.2 billion that number is the minority side. Think would we even have discovered electricity if the ancient Greeks didn't bother being curious as to why fur and amber physically attract each other when rubbed together. Would we have any of the modern machinery if we didn't have the curious minds of all the master tinkerers and engineers from Da Vinci to Newton to Henry Ford to Steve Jobs. And these are the names just found in history books. Do you even realize how much medical researchers have achieved, they know the vast complexity of life forms. We can change the freaking heart of people and animals and that’s not the only organ we can replace. Realize the sense of achievements ! All this is achieved one way or another for gaining knowledge, fulfilling curiosity. No man has won a noble prize because his motive was money. Even the food you eat is because some prehistoric ancestor of ours was curious to taste cooked instead of raw food, the clothes you wear…. well I guess that’s because our ancestors got cold. But never the less we became curious in fashion and now we have such a comfortable and feasible clothes. The world is because we are fulfilling our curiosities.

But the arrogance and unreasonable pride  of the 21st century generation is deterring our interest in curiosity. Look what we have achieved throughout history owing to all the curious minds and imagine if such a small group of minds accomplished so much, what would we achieve if all the currently breathing 7.2 billion people had a thirst of fulfillment. We waste our lives trying to live another day, our priorities are unbalanced and we have stopped asking why. We think we are smart enough to google everything questioned, that makes it a crippled mind, a crippled mind like a crippled leg which needs crutches and canes to walk. Exercise your mind for the better, find your passion and let it engulf your life, who knows you might just make your mark in history. Be curious and be alive.

Friday, July 18, 2014


He is often termed as a boy's first hero and a girl's first love. He has devoted his life to tireless work being engulfed by the thought of food, shelter, safety and above all, happiness. Embarking through the twists and turmoil's of life planting seeds all the time hoping one day his family can eat the fruits. All this compassion belittled by the rage evoked when his family is questioned. His unending struggle is now a days called as the way of life and we, sadly, carry on.

Words are not enough to express the gratitude I have for my father , he is a religious man with principles and responsibilities. I don't know what fuels his beliefs in God but I know that I believe in God because of my father and his selfless work. I want to be a man like him, it’s a magical inspiration. Thank you Father. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Remember, Our Teachers !

We have been taught how to read and write, to speak punctually, to behave with civility and to most importantly we have been educated. We are the prime species of this planet, the ones who are destined to make it flourish. But now we plunged into an selfish era where the children don’t see the power of education as greed blinds them. An era of boorish students who are unaware of respecting teachers and it has affected the faith of teachers in students. It is an era where the majority values 'social' more than 'smart'. The pristine work of a teacher is turning into a monotonous day job and education is falling exponentially with time. To make a change we have to respect our teachers for their tome and effort even though we personally don't like the subject, but because we got to know something. Knowledge is true wealth and our teachers don’t teach because they educated unemployed people, they teach as it fulfills theirs lives. Empathize with their struggle and if you ever realize it, just thank them. That’s all they want for making the world better.