Monday, June 23, 2014

Its All About Respect

There is a feeling in us which tells us to do good deeds and help a living creature and on completion of this such an act we don’t feel content or proud. We call such an act an act of respect. Just  the sheer amount of respect displayed by a person can indicate what sort of life he as been going through and how strong his will is. It is not just in humans as science has observed authentic acts of respect displayed by all sort of animals in all sorts of situations. All over the world different nations having different cultures have a certain method to convey a sign of respect. Showed naturally to convey acceptance of a newer more powerful, dominant leader in society, shown naturally at the sight of a good deed or that of extreme compassion, it's naturally expressed by individuals toward something or someone who would be a reason for motivation and epiphanies. But now there is a majority group of people who take respect for granted and have forgotten that all aspects of life should be respected.
A society where people respect their work, respect all forms of life especially respecting their neighbor would be an ideal utopia. It is something that is not to be taken lightly and should be the first priority when someone meets or simply interact with another. A peaceful clam mind is vital for such a behavior. Its not the point of you have to give respect to get respect, people who naturally are respectful do seek it in return. Society should see that if you respect your profession then you would naturally work hard for it. Take example of a small hotdog salesman, if he respects his profession he would genuinely take care that sells the tastiest hotdog but along with that if he naturally respects people, respects every human equally has he would for his father then he would also take care that it’s a healthy, unadulterated hotdog and would genuinely be kind to customers. Naturally he would be popular only because in today's generation there is a majoritarian belief that to get respect you need to give respect. Is say differently. I say don’t be respectful because your parents taught you so, don’t be respectful because someone else conveyed to you a sign of respect but be respectful because it is the basic, I mean 1st lesson to having a successful life. Now imagine a multinational mobile phone organization, in order to be successful the path is the same, respecting their profession they would have a profound instinct to be ahead of the market, providing the best mobile phones having a software that maybe wont promise the latest features but will be of quality, its hardware wont be of cheap materials as with respect would also come a sense of pride. They would work with integrity to deliver a long lasting, flawless product. When they respect their customers not because they are a source of income but because its in their nature, there won't be any false/tricky advertisements, they will tell the customer exactly what they are buying before they are buying. Such a combination can do wonders for people, companies, society. No matter how bad situations get people won't consider murder because they know the importance and blessing of life, there would be anything to be scared of. Gore movies would be termed fiction rather than based on real life and they would be scarier than ever because the production wont miss a chance to scare people off their feet ( they respect the audience's wishes to be scared if they choose to buy the movie ticket).

But sadly we live in a very different world where such an ideology is rare. The main reason why people find having a respectful personality difficult, is because they let temper get the best of them, when temper is added to emotions we stop thinking with a clam mind and put a blind eye towards different ways and outcomes of the situation which is unconsciously  thought off while the situation occurs. Instead of a realizing the most appropriate outcome instantaneously we realize it later before we sleep or in the shower when our mind is clam and we listen to our thoughts. Indefinitely you will always notice that the best method to tackle any situation is first thinking about your self-respect and then realize that all the other people involved in the situation deserve the same respect you think you are worthy off. If they are bad, punish him the way you would punish yourself no matter the situation and if they are good, award them empathizing all the selfless act they would have undertaken as to be good to you, if you were in his situation.
It is vital for the betterment of a society that members show selfless acts of respect, that the people should have not just humanitarian beliefs but should extend its kindness to all aspects of life. Being respectful is an art of life, in this generation it is taken more to be a skill and people master this skill to be successful. But I wish for a world where people in power respects a low wage worker as a human, as someone who has a family, as someone knows his responsibilities especially respecting the fact that there can be chance that they both are in such a position just by chance, so people should respect birth. The low wage worker should respect the dominant people of society realizing their extraordinary characteristics and achievements which should be the sole reason for their position. The low wage worker knows that diseases don’t discriminate between the rich and poor but the treatment does. So he respects death, he simple prays to prolong his time unlike the well off crowd. I say there should be a mutual understanding in all levels of society, a mutual level of respect. People are different and don’t deserve different than yourself. It’s a small way to make a change but it is effective.

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